Media perpetuates Islamic stereotypes

We are writing in response to a news article that appeared April 23 titled “Muslims Slaughter 93 Algerian Villagers.” The blood that has been shed in Algeria in the name of democracy, nationalism and Islam saddens us and we appreciate the desire to inform the Lantern readership about the Algerian situation but we would like to offer some constructive criticism.We believe the article was misleading, irresponsibly written, and ignored the fact that most if not all of the people involved (both the “Islamic guerrillas” and victims) in this unfortunate event were both Muslim and Algerian. We neither seek to condemn the “Islamic insurgents” without more information. We simply feel that this article fosters the stereotype that Islam and Muslims are intolerant, inhuman and backward. Furthermore, the article continues the media’s trend of associating Islam and Muslims with terrorism and religious fanaticism. When newspapers reported about the atrocities committed in Israel and Bosnia we did not see headlines that read “Jews Slaughter Palestinian Children” or “Orthodox Christians Seek to Exterminate Bosnians.” When articles about Muslims are printed why then is there this double standard?Islam (literally, “obedience to the creator”) is simple a way of being in the world that invites humanity to an uncompromising monotheism and the fostering of relationships based on compassion and justice. However, the media tends to portray the way of Islam as either the exotic other or as brutal fanaticism while Islam and Muslims are neither. In the future we hope that the Lantern will be more discriminating about the articles it chooses to print or it will continue to offend the intellects of Muslims and people who love justice.

Maher Tamimigraduate student ArabicAbdulhaqq al-YurubijuniorArabic