Leave Monopoly and Trivial Pursuit at home.

Board to Death, a new student organization for board game enthusiasts at Ohio State, is not interested in the traditional American classics.

“There’s this whole world of board games that people don’t know of,” said Antonette Rings, creator of the club and a first-year in material science and engineering.

Rings said Board to Death focuses on European-style games, which are more strategy-based than most board games made in the U.S. A majority of American games rely on luck, she said.

“That’s why people stop playing board games as children,” Rings said. “They get tired of just throwing dice.”

She said Settlers of Catan, Dominion, Betrayal at House on the Hill, Ticket to Ride and Small World are some group favorites.

“These games totally get your mind working,” Rings said.

The club, which met for the first time on Dec. 3, has no funding and has to borrow games to play at meetings. As the group grows, however, Rings said membership dues will allow for a game fund.

To recruit more members, the club advertises through posters placed around campus. That’s how Quan Gonsalves, a fourth-year in psychology, found the club.

“I saw a poster and decided to try it out,” Gonsalves said.

Rachael Teuschler, treasurer for the group and a first-year in material science and engineering, said the number of people that come to meetings has varied since the first week.

“Sometimes we have three groups of games going on,” Teuschler said. But other weeks have been smaller, she said.

“A lot of people come to test it out,” she said.

Rings said the club is registered with the Game Manufacturers Association. Their membership will give club members a discount to attend a future board game convention in Columbus called Origins, something that Rings said is a goal she has for the club.

Rings said she also wants the group to bring CAPCON, a gaming convention that used to be held at the Ohio Union, back to campus.

Until then, the group will stay busy discovering new board games.

“I get to play all these games I’ve never seen before,” Gonsalves said. “It’s hard to find a game I don’t like.”

And the group welcomes those who are new to the board gaming world.

“We can teach you any game,” Rings said. “Just come have fun.”

Board to Death meets from 5:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. every Thursday in 395 Watts Hall. Visit b2d.org.ohio-state.edu for more information.