Have you ever had one of those weeks where it feels like someone stole your planner, and now everyone in the world is conspiring to dump everything on you in what is already one of your busiest weeks?

I feel like that happens to me every time I have something huge and stressful going on. Earlier this month, for example, I took the LSAT. If anything sucks up your time and makes you feel like your head is going to explode, it’s the LSAT. So, of course, in the week preceding, I had a paper due, a test and approximately 9,000 homework assignments, plus late meetings. Because, you know, a couple nights of sitting at home studying wouldn’t have been helpful or anything.

Of course, stressful weeks like that are almost always followed by weeks where I have nothing to do but lounge around the house, irritating my busy biology-major roommate. It’s like there’s a creepy little imp who steals my planner and likes to switch up a soul-crushing workload with periods of mind-numbing boredom. An obnoxious, creepy little imp that does not care about consistency.

I realize the likelihood that someone actually stole my planner and contacted all of my professors and club leaders to talk them into dumping all of this on me at the worst moment is slim to none. My planner, for the most part, is boring. It tends to read something like: homework, class, mock trial meeting. Rinse and repeat. The more reasonable explanation is, of course, that when I’m stressed out, every little thing feels so much more dire, and when I’ve just had a crazy week, having fewer things to do feels like the clock moves half as fast. Like when you fast forward through a movie and then are weirded out when it moves at a normal pace.

Even knowing this, there’s part of me that feels there is that little imp who likes to cause trouble and make my life miserable when it already feels a bit bleak. Besides, it’s always easier to blame things on creatures that don’t exist. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I believe my imp is making me do homework for five more hours.