The Lantern has been the official, independently-published source of journalism at Ohio State since 1881. We are proudly housed in the School of Communication, which provides space, equipment and administrative resources — but in order to uphold journalistic standards and practices and freedom of expression, the operation must maintain a level of independence. As a result, The Lantern’s paid editorial positions, production costs and various other expenses are not supported by university funds or student fees.

The funding that we receive from advertisers has been our primary means of support over the years, but like most newspapers in today’s digital landscape, the revenue generated by these print advertisements has sharply declined.

The Lantern has adapted on the digital front — we are no longer just a daily print newspaper, but a multimedia news operation. Our website receives millions of views each year, and we have more than 100,000 followers across our social media channels. And thanks to creativity with digital ads and promotions, as well as the support and guidance of our School of Communication Advancement Committee, The Lantern has been able to subsist. However the long-term future of this pillar of Ohio State’s campus community is still not guaranteed.

As communication and journalism alumni, you are aware that The Lantern is more than a news operation — it’s a training ground for future journalists. It has helped our graduates break into and thrive in the professional ranks of news, radio and television platforms across the globe.

We are excited to launch this site to connect with alumni and friends who are as passionate about The Lantern as we are. With your help, we can build an endowment to sustain the operational needs of The Lantern in perpetuity.

Your support will aid in providing stipends for our editors who work around the clock; it will help us to purchase and maintain the necessary equipment to continue documenting, sharing, exposing and explaining in a balanced and compelling manner. Most importantly, it will help us to maintain financial independence and ensure that this critical source of student journalism at Ohio State will continue.

You can make an online gift to support The Lantern here: The Lantern Support Fund or The Hermanoff Endowment Fund.

For other ways to give or additional opportunities for support to give, please visit our Giving Website or contact David Precise, senior director of development, at [email protected] or (614) 688-1044.