A group of students at Ohio State is the sole marketing force behind a new line of OSU-themed apparel.

THE OSU Originals are produced by Cenergy, a New York-based company that gets its marketing for free from the students.

“The company contacted me this summer to market a new line for no cost,” said Christi McNamara, lead marketing representative for the apparel and a fourth-year in strategic communication.

McNamara said she immediately turned to fellow students in the American Marketing Association at OSU to help with the project.

Right now she has a group of 15 helping her spread the word about the gear.

And the fact that their efforts go unpaid is not a big deal.

“It’s absolutely experience-based,” McNamara said.

“As a marketing major, this project particularly appealed to me because I would be able to apply what I study,” said Gaylyn Fraher, a student in the marketing group and a third-year in marketing.

In addition to real-world experience, the group also gets the apparel they market at a discounted cost. They said they are proud to wear it.

“THE gear symbolizes the pride and tradition of the Ohio State University with one word: ‘THE,'” said Fraher. “I am very proud to be a part of Ohio State, and I felt that this project would be a good way to spread that pride.”

“I like the look of the shirts and would definitely buy one if I saw it in a store,” said Lauren Reyes, a member of the group and a first-year in marketing.

The group started marketing efforts back in August by passing out information cards at home football games. One of their first tasks was getting the apparel in stores. Right now THE gear is available at Across the Field, Buckeye Corner and College Traditions. The group also targets consumers through Facebook and Twitter.

In addition to marketing, the group has also been given a say in apparel design.

“We get to vote on the designs we like best,” McNamara said. “We are able to give constructive criticism because we are the demographic they are selling to.”

McNamara said the most rewarding part of the project has been watching their work pay off.

“Being able to promote something you like and watching it grow is really cool,” McNamara said.

McNamara said she also enjoys seeing the shirts worn around campus and at sporting events. She said she would love to see THE gear grow to offer more than just apparel in the future.

“We are building the foundation with the shirts,” McNamara said. “Then we can build it up until people want it on golf balls and you name it.”

The group stands strong behind the apparel they market.

“When people are looking for gear to express their pride in The Ohio State University and choose THE gear, I’m happy to see that we were able to bring them the best option,” said Fraher.

THE gear can be found online at homeofthegear.com.