I’ve started noticing an increase.

They’re everywhere.

“No, just water for me, please.”

“Ran five miles today!”

“Actually, can I have an apple instead of chips?”

They’re well-prepared with their wardrobe of stretchy tank-tops, fancy sneakers and iPod arm bands.

They are the people who abstain from cake at a wedding.

They are the healthy people, and they remind me that I am not.

Ohio State’s campus is a great place for these fitness gurus. The dining establishments offer many items that are a mystery to me.

That’s how I know they’re healthy.

I had never heard of hummus before enrolling at OSU. The salad display is always stocked with bright greens, despite their flying off the shelves.

And the cookies? Most of the time, they just sit there.

So, of course I don’t want them to feel left out.

“I’ll have a chocolate chip cookie, please.”

We have an impressive assortment of recreational facilities, and there are enough sidewalks to allow even the most experienced jogger a many views.

I’ve been to the RPAC.


I wanted a smoothie, OK?

But I have decided, once again, that I will stop making excuses. I vow to start using the facility for which I have been paying a quarterly fee for nearly four years.

I looked it up. This academic year, I have already paid $164 in recreational fees. It’s $82 a quarter. I don’t even want to think about how much I’ve paid during my total enrollment.

I’d like to think that as the temperature rises, my motivation will grow.

The people who go for a morning jog in January downright impress me.

Seriously? You have the motivation to get up before the sun rises and hit your goal of five miles on an arctic Monday morning?

Good for you. Really.

I can’t even keep myself from eating a cookie if I know there’s one hanging out in the kitchen.

I always have an excuse. Every year, I am one of the millions who make a New Year’s resolution to become more fit.

It usually starts off well. Then, around mid-February, I just get really hungry one day. Next thing I know, I’m sitting on the couch watching “Tosh.0” and devouring a pizza with my trusty sidekick: my athletic fiancé who couldn’t gain a pound if he ate an entire Vegas buffet.

So, it should be no surprise that I am overweight.

And don’t give me any of that “Oh, no you aren’t” crap. It’s actually a fact.

Out of curiosity this week, I decided to calculate my body mass index. It was probably not the best thing to do for my self-confidence while drinking my morning coffee with two full spoons of sugar.

I found the calculator from a Google search, so I’m sure it’s a sophisticated mechanism.

But, it did confirm my suspicions. I am overweight,

I set a goal for myself to be in the “normal” category. This involves me losing 20 pounds.

It’s going to be hard to skip dessert.

It’s going to be tough to sweat beside others in the gym, who run much faster than me.

And it’s going to start Spring Quarter.

I’m way too busy right now, anyway.