Ohio State is offering graduating students a chance to order additional commencement tickets.
Starting at 4 p.m. Wednesday, students will be able to order up to seven additional tickets for the May 5 graduation ceremony at Ohio Stadium, where President Barack Obama will be the commencement speaker, according to a university release.
The original four-ticket limit was expanded to first six and then seven tickets since the commencement speaker was first announced in February.
The ordering window will remain open to graduates until May 3 or the ticket supply is exhausted.
The original deadline for ordering commencement tickets was Monday at 5 p.m., but some graduates did not make their deadline, said Amy Murray, OSU spokeswoman.
“Several hundred students report they missed the first ticket ordering opportunity, and so it will be important for them to waste no time in reserving tickets when the ordering window reopens tomorrow,” Murray said in a Tuesday email.
Tickets are also still available due to adjustments on the university’s end, Murray said.
“The decision by the Department of Athletics to reschedule some stadium maintenance work, and our ongoing assessment to determine how we could accommodate more people in Ohio Stadium has enabled us to increase the allotment of tickets,” Murray said.

About 10,000 students are expected to graduate this spring, Murray said.
Murray said the university will not know the exact number of additional tickets until later next week.