Upper Arlington, what it’s really like

This is in response to David Overeem’s article “Students need to clean up after themselves.” The point to his article was good, but made an offending comment several paragraphs into it. He stated, “Like many college students, I live in an inexpensive home. This certainly isn’t Upper Arlington. However, just because we students don’t live in half-million dollar houses is no excuse for our homes and streets to be filthy.” Good point, but bad choice of comparisons.I have lived in Upper Arlington for the last 13 years. I do not live in a half-million dollar home, and I do not have a ton of money to throw around like some people think. Just last week in the Lantern, people were discussing equality and how we shouldn’t look down on people for the color of their skin. Looking down on someone because of their bank account is no different. I am a little tired of everybody thinking I am some sort of rich snob who lives in riches. Someone explain to me why I am looked down upon just because I live in Upper Arlington.My home is comparable to most other homes I have visited outside of Upper Arlington. Actually a lot of homes in that area are not what you would call extravagant, or even nice. Not all of us can afford the expensive homes and expensive cars. I drive a car that is almost 10 years old. I am not saying that it is a bad car, but it isn’t as nice as cars that my friends who live in other places drive.The reference to Upper Arlington was totally uncalled for, and it is people like David who help the wrong stereotype of Upper Arlington to perpetuate. Granted, there are people who live in homes that are worth even a million dollars and who’s families make almost a million dollars a year. But there are those who struggle to make just enough to get by and sometimes not even that. I am not really at either extreme. I am just average middle class. So the next time you try to make a point about anything David, leave Upper Arlington and even places like Dublin, Hilliard, Westerville, Worthington or any other specific place out.

Elaine Fortman3rd year, Upper Arlington, Ohio